Atvērtās piekļuves politika un labāka pieredze / <br>Open Access Policies and Best Practices</br>
Autore pievērsīsies arī politikas uzraudzības un atbilstības jautājumiem, kā arī atvērtās piekļuves izdevējdarbībai politiskajā aspektā. PASTEUR4OA (projekta "Open Access Politikas Radīšanas Stratēģija Eiropas Savienības Pētniecībai") ziņojumā par atvērtās piekļuves politikas efektivitāti tiks skaidroti trīs būtiskākie elementi: obligātā deponēšana, deponēšanas atsacīšanās iespēja un nosacījumi, deponēšanas sasaiste ar pētnieciskā darba novērtējumu. The presentation will cover good practice approaches to designing and implementing open access policies aligned with the European Commission's (EC) Recommendation to Member States on Access to and preservation of scientific information of July 2012, Guidelines on open access to scientific publications and research data in Horizon 2020 and the EC's Horizon 2020 Multi-beneficiary General Model Grant Agreement. Open access policy alignment check-list will be presented covering the following issues: Are beneficiaries required to deposit and ensure open access? What to deposit? Where to deposit? When to deposit? When should open access be provided? Policy monitoring and compliance as well as open access publishing (from the policy perspective) will also be covered as a part of this presentation. PASTEUR4OA report on the Open access policy effectiveness will provide important evidence that open access policies should include at least three elements for effectiveness, namely, a mandatory deposit that cannot be waived, and linking depositing with research evaluation.